Quality and Qualifications Ireland

The Childcare Act 1991 (Early Years Services) 2016 regulations were implemented on a phased basis on 30 June, 2016. Under these regulations, there has been an update in regards to the minimal level of qualification required to work directly with children in an Early Years setting.

Minimum Qualification Requirement:

Under the Childcare Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016, all staff working directly with children must hold a minimum of QQI level 5 award in Early Childhood Care and Education. 

FAQ’s regarding minimum qualification requirement

Q Do relief staff need to hold a minimum qualification?

A Yes

Q: Do CE workers need to hold a minimum qualification?

A: In order to be part of the adult/child ratio, CE workers must hold a minimum qualification. A CE worker who is in training to gain a minimum qualification can work directly with the children but may not be included in the adult/child ratio.

Q: I’ve been approved AIM Level 7 funding for a child in my service. Does that person have to have a QQI Level 5 qualification?

A Yes, unless you have been granted an exemption by Pobal. Such exemptions will primarily be for children with medically complex needs who require specialised health supports.


ECCE Room Leader

The ECCE contract requires that all ECCE room leaders must have a minimum QQI Level 6 major award in Early Childhood Care and Education.

A higher capitation is available to services where the preschool leader has a major award in Early Childhood Care and Education at NFQ level 7.

Early Years DCEDIY Recognised Qualifications

The Early Years Recognised Qualifications list shows all qualifications which have been approved by DCEDIY for work in the Early Years sector in Ireland: gov – Early Years Recognised Qualifications (www.gov.ie)

Where a qualification is not published on the list of DCEDIY Early Years Recognised Qualifications but the holder considers it to be an appropriate major award at or above QQI Level 5, they can apply to have their qualification assessed for approval. The application form for qualifications assessment can be downloaded here.

If you are not sure where your qualification is placed on the Irish NFQ (National Framework of Qualifications), you should check with QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland). We recommend that you first check the QQI website; most people will find the information they need there. For international qualifications, QQI operate the Irish NARIC which shows compatibility between Irish and international qualification levels: Naric Ireland

National Framework of Qualifications

QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland) is a state agency established by the Quality Assurance and Qualifications (Education and Training) Act 2012 with a board appointed by the Minister for Education and Skills.

Their role is to:

  1. Develop Awards and Standard
  2. Validate Programmes of Education Training
  3. Ensure that PEL (Protection for Enrolled Learners) Arrangements are in Place
  4. Review Providers of Education and Training
  5. Authorise Use of International Education Mark
  6. Develop Quality Assurance
  7. Facilitate Qualifications Recognition
  8. Maintain National Framework of Qualifications


QQI is Ireland’s guardian of the NFQ system. They are responsible for the quality assurance of providers of education and training.

The National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) is a ten-level system (1–10) giving an academic or vocational value to qualifications obtained in Ireland.

NFQ levels help indicate how an award can be used for training, education and employment opportunities.

Each level is based on nationally agreed standards of what a learner is expected to know and be able to do after receiving an award.

Early Years Course Providers