Pobal Compliance Visits

Pobal is contracted to provide assurance to DCEDIY and the Exchequer that the significant amount of funding distributed through the early learning & school age care programmes is protected and is being claimed appropriately. On behalf of DCEDIY, Pobal conduct compliance visits with participating services to check certain programme rules and funding agreement conditions. The childcare funding programmes that are checked include:

  • National Childcare Scheme (NCS) 
  • Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) 
  • Community Childcare Subvention Plus (CCSP) Saver


Pobal Compliance Visits are unannounced onsite visits with the outcome determined by information made available to the Visit Officer on the day.

Compliance visits involve checks on records held on site and verify:

  • The children who have been registered with DCEDIY under one of the childcare funding programmes are actually enrolled in and attending the service.
  • The service is implementing the correct fee payment policy.
  • The fee payment policy and signed parent declaration and agreement letters (where applicable) are on file.
  • The programme fees lists and calendars are displayed in the service in an area accessible to parents and are also displayed on any online platforms that the service is using.
  • Records are maintained of optional extra charges, deposits, and/or fees for additional hours and in accordance with the fee payment policy of the service.
  • The service can show the qualifications of all staff working directly with children for ECCE sessions.


Supports for Pobal Compliance Visits are available through the local City and County Childcare Committee (CCC’s) and through the following resources on the EY Hive:


