Dublin City Childcare Committee (DCCC) was established in 2002 and is one of 30 County and City Childcare Committees operating nationally funded by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY).
DCCC is registered in Dublin as a non-profit company limited by guarantee. Charity No. CHY 19155.
One of our main objectives is to work proactively and in partnership with the sector to encorage best practice, quality, sustainable and effective early years services for children. We offer a wide variety of services to Early Learning and Care and School-Age Childcare providers and practitioners.
This includes advice on setting up a new service, sustainability, applying for Childcare Funding programmes etc. We also provide information and support to services in order to adhere to Early Years Regulations and School Age Regulations and assistance with development and review of policies and procedures. We are available to provide support, guidance and information to new as well as existing services.
We work with home-based childminders, providing information and advice on setting up a childminding service, managing a childminding business and supporting them to become registered with Tusla.
One of our key objectives is to work with parents and families to provide support and advice in sourcing the best possible early years solution to meet their family’s needs and circumstances. Dublin City Childcare Committee welcome calls from parents or members of the public who are looking for childcare or have queries related to Early Learning and Care, our team are more than happy to provide information, advice or support.
We provide a range of professional training for Early Learning and Care and School-Care Childcare providers, practitioners, and childminders to respond to the ever changing and evolving sector.
We also offer seminars and workshops for parents.
To view our upcoming training and events visit our Eventbrite booking page
We are available to support Parent & Toddler groups by providing information and guidance in relation to set up and general support throughout the lifespan of the group. DCCC also provide administrative support in relation to Parent & Toddler grant applications.